Bill Cunningham Memorial

Photo taken at our 2016 Annual Alumni Night on May 6th, 2017

Bill signed in under the 1940’s page on May 6th 2016.

Memorial for Bill Cunningham – Class of 1946

The Alumni Association is saddened to hear of the passing of Bill Cunningham on February 23 .

He was 90 years old and was , without question, the  most loyal and genuinely engaged  grad  our high school ever had. He was an important driving force on the organizing  committees for  the reunions of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, well  before the age of the internet, stepping aside in the last 15 years to let the younger folks carry on.

After he retired from reunion Committee work he always extended personal written invitations for Alumni Night to all his old classmates from the 40’s and they came in considerable numbers to join him at reserved tables. He was, in effect, the ambassador for all the alumni of his era.

Knowing Bill, he will with certainty establish a separate chapter of our association for those in Paradise , to which we all look forward to receiving, at the appropriate time of course, engraved invitations to join him.

Bill was a respected, lifelong resident of Mississauga and attended our school during the war years, in a different era, when our town was tiny and more isolated  and high school friends were close and remained so for life. He will be missed  at our annual Alumni gatherings, but his spirit will be remembered. We offer our sincerest condolences to Peggy, his wife and partner for almost 65 years, and his children Robert, Lynda, Lisa and Bruce.

There will be a funeral service for Bill on Saturday March 11,  at 11:00 AM at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church  at 24 Stavebank Road in Mississauga.