Online Yearbooks
Welcome to the PCHS / PCSS online yearbooks! There's nothing like bringing the past back to life by leafing through an old yearbook and immersing yourself in memories from your youth. Our school has published over 60 years of yearbooks, yet most of us have only four or five of them (this is, if we even still have them). This section is your opportunity to not only look back at your adolescence, but also to catch a glimpse of PCSS life before you were a student, or perhaps before you were even born! Re-discover your school and explore the changes in its culture either before or after you attended.
Click on a cover below or title, and a PDF version of the yearbook will open in a new window. The file sizes range between 15MB and 44MB, depending on the number of pages, and the number of colour pages.
You can now buy your own fully-indexed WebHelp copy of the above yearbooks. They are now available for purchase on CD! All proceeds go to the Alumni Scholarhip Fund, so while you're building your own PCHS digital archive, you'll be helping the school's current graduates!